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Logo GeoPortal
Code Website Open App
Logo GeoPortal
Code Website Open App

The GeoPortal provides basic spatial information such as an official city map, addresses and aerial photographs, or the "Potential of near-surface geothermal energy."

Almost all application scenarios of a smart city, from digital city maps to intelligent traffic control, are based on the central availability of geoinformation and corresponding interfaces through which this data can be integrated into digital services. The GeoPortal Munich makes precisely this geoinformation and services available to users from business, science and administration - and not least the citizens themselves - in a user-friendly way: quickly, reliably and digitally.

GeoPortal supports numerous online services of the state capital with basic spatial information such as an official city map, addresses and aerial images. Specialist topics from the city departments can build on this. This enables a wide range of thematic content to be made available, and connections can be seen quickly and at a glance. The GeoPortal is the geodata infrastructure on which the Digital Twin Munich is based.

Screenshot of a map of the Munich region with groundwater temperatures in colored shaded areas


Most of the components are based on free software and are themselves provided as free software by active and internationally recognized communities in the geodata sector.


We also contribute to the master portal: