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Start 2020
Start 2020

COVe enabled the management of suspected cases in the context of the Covid19 pandemic. The web application was developed in the IT unit itself.

About the project

During the second wave of the Corona pandemic, i.e. as early as 2020, the City of Munich developed its own application within 2 weeks to support the Contact Tracing Center of the City of Munich in tracing contacts. This was the only way to make the enormous number of cases by the enormously burdened contact tracing team feasible at all. The application was implemented using the open source Landeshauptstadt München reference architecture for custom developments. Since in the meantime a solution of the federal government is used for contact tracing, CoVe is no longer in use today. CoVe has already been published on github

Health departments need to record reported suspected COVID-19 cases and their contacts, document lab results and quarantine periods, and simultaneously make many phone calls to affected individuals.

COVe combines this within a modern web app. Through it, suspected cases can be easily recorded, calls more easily organized, and results more quickly documented. Thanks to the innovative approach of the telephone lists, all employees of a telephone service have access to current data at the same time. This saves considerable time in crisis situations.

Technical details

The graphic shows the process flow